His great theory is undoubtedly the theory of the machine: a theory that takes a human and break them into parts, thereby converting humanity understood as the worker into the machine.
Great dickens thought. That is clear enough.
however why stop here?
Why only have machines and worker: humanity and machines?
Surely the real problem with every such system comes when humanity breaks not its action but its desires into machines.
That is they plug as consumers or novel readers their feelings into a whirlygig or apparatus the collapses what they are across a kalidescope of inter related feelings.
This kalediscope of course max called ideology. This is all very well, thinks Dickens, but it rather downplays the power of this element. Ideology is not simple as simple as such an opiate, or at least it is not when in a machine. There the echoes and wispher and images of the machine of collective warping quasi-technological imagination is enough to breed a monster.
A monster where thoughts and feelings slip into other people. They become even those one have never met ciphers or wraps for feelings. The images one has of then (real or imagined) promote desire.
More than that a competent machine if it is large enough will take the echoing other thoughts that make a mind; You know all the I wonder what happened to them or to that or I wonder what and where there are w and animate them. One thereby becomes caught up in ones own past or other pasts in many many strands of identity, any differentating desires which pull one everywhere and make holding anything down.
These desires might do things. Across our hopes is animated together we might make a thing. And yet That thing need not be good or revelant or anythin much. It might be a fantasy or merely a marketing opportunity.
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